What Is The Registration Procedure Of Patent?

A registration procedure of patent is the title issued by the State, which grants the exclusive rights to exploit an invention to its holder, for a period of 5 or 10 years in the case of industrial models and drawings, and 20 years in the case of inventions. It reflects the fulfillment of the conditions foreseen in the Law for the granting of the right. What are the protection modalities? Invention Patent: In general, any new and inventive product or procedure that provides a technical solution to a specific problem is known as a patentable invention. The reforms, improvements, or modifications introduced in things already known that also provide a new technical solution are also the subject of a patent. Industrial Model Patent: It is understood by any plastic form combined or not with colors, and any industrial, commercial or domestic object or utensil that can serve as a type for the production or manufacture of others and that differ from their similar ones due to their diffe...