Get More Information, Who Can File Patent Application in India?

Patent – this term refers to the pillars of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and it is a government-granted right that the inventor has over her or his idea. Furthermore, the term “rights” generally refers to the power to create, use, sell and import the process or products as well as the ability to prevent others from doing so. Who can file a patent application in India? Before filing a provisional patent it is important to conduct a proper search in order to determine whether the invention is patentable or not. Patentability search also includes the invention that must be novel, involves the inventive step, capable of being industrial application and many more. Filing a provisional patent is a complex task. But if you have proper support, then you can achieve it easily. Under Section6 of the Patents Act, 1970, the application of any invention may be made by the person who comes under the following category: 1. Any person who claims to be true and the first inventor of the i...